Unite & take action

Parys Rotary Club is a network of neighbours, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers. We see a Parys where people unite and take action to create lasting change in our community, and in ourselves.

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Contact Us

Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision. Parys Rotary Club is dedicated to use our passion, energy, and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects.

We are working to better our town, build relationships and improve lives. Rotary members believe that we share a responsibility to take action to improve our communities.

The foundation of our core values and tradition is build on service, fellowship, diversity, integrity and leadership


Paul Harris organises the first Rotary meeting at the Unity Building in Chicago.

First Rotary Club outside an English-speaking country is established in Havana, Cuba.

Rotary conference in London inspires the creation of UNESCO.

Forty nine Rotarians participate at the San Francisco UN Charter meetings.

Dr Sylvia Whitlock becomes one of the first woman members of Rotary.

Africa declared free of the wild poliovirus.

Areas of Focus

Rotary is dedicated to causes that build international relationships, improve lives, and create a better world to support our peace efforts and end polio forever.

Promoting Peace

Parys Rotary Club encourages conversations to build better understanding within and across cultures. We want to create a greater Parys by making peace a priority.

Fighting Disease

In Parys we have a strong focus on improving health and wellness. Future projects include hosting blood drives in our local community.

Clean Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

We encourage leaders and educators to share their expertise and help us make clean water, sanitation and hygiene accessible for everyone in Parys.

Saving Mothers & Children

Nearly 6 million children under the age of five die each year due to malnutrition and poor health care. We motivate access to quality care for mothers and their children.

Supporting Education

Worldwide more than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate. With your help we can strengthen our local community to support basic education and literacy.

Growing Local Economies

We welcome projects that enhance economic and community development and create opportunities for decent and productive work for young and old.

Protecting the Environment

With your support we can create projects that protect the environment and builds a better future for the next generation.

Create Hope in the World

Rotary Club calls to create hope in the world by working for peace and mental wellbeing.

Get in touch

Parys Rotary Club (17466)
District 9370

Sandra Uys

President / Club Services

Parys Rotary Club - Email Icon

Werda Visser

Secretary / Vocational Services

Colin Benjamin


Armand Koekemoer

Community Services

Anne Koekemoer

International services

Chantal Grobler

Rotary Image

Wilma Bedford

Youth Services

Betsie Trieloff

Parys Rotary Club Member

Marius Becker

Parys Rotary Club Member

Henco Uys

Parys Rotary Club Member

Jurgens Grobler

Parys Rotary Club Member

Global Mission

We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.

Global Vision Statement

Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change - across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

Find us on Facebook and Twitter! Stay informed on news and updates in our Rotary community:


Video Gallery

Koepel TV: Interview with Sandra Uys

Parys Rotary Club visit
Die Hartshuis Vredefort
Parys Rotary Club
Blood Donation Drive
Parys Crater Street Mile 2023
Part 1
Parys Crater Street Mile 2023
Part 2
Parys Crater Street Mile 2023
Part 3
Parys Crater Street Mile 2023
Part 4
Parys Crater Street Mile 2023
Part 5
Parys Crater Street Mile 2023
Part 6
Parys Crater Street Mile 2023
Part 7

Parys Crater Street Mile - 15 February 2023

Parys Gazette

Online Community Newspaper

Parys Gazette | 11 April 2024

Save the date for Parys Crater Street Mile

Read online
Parys Gazette | 19 October 2023

Rotary-klubs help om dorp se waternood te verlig

Read online
Parys Gazette | 6 October 2023

Rotary gesondheidsdag goed ondersteun

Read online
Parys Gazette | 10 February 2023

Town's main street to be a hive of activity for Crater Street Mile

Read online
Parys Gazette | 11 May 2023

Hoogste erkenning vir Rotaryklub president

Read online
Parys Gazette | 14 September 2022

Rotary gee erkenning aan hulle wat 'n verskil maak

Read online

Resources & References

Rotary International

Rotary International - Logo
Rotary International - Create Hope in the World Logo
Rotaract International - Logo
End Polio Now - Logo